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Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Autore di oltre 600 pubblicazioni, monografie e capitoli trattati.

Tra le pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali “peer reviewed” incluse  nella compilazione del “Science citation index articoli scientifici apparsi su:

Nature, New England Journal of Medicine,Lancet,British Medical Journal; Journal of Experimental Medicine, American Journal of Medicine, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Circulation, Atherosclerosis, Journal of Lipid Metabolism, Lipids, Cardiology, Cardiologia,Stroke, International Angiology, Journal of Cardiovascular Surgey, Acta Neurologica Scandinava

Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Thrombosis Research, Seminars in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Haemostasis, Haenatologia

Journal of Hypertension, Hypertension, American Journal of hypertension, Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, American Journal of nephrology,Journal of Nephrology, Nephron

Diabetologia,   Diabetes  Care, Diabetes Research, Acta Diabetologica, Metabolism, Endocrine Research

Hepatology, Gut,Journal of Hepatology, Liver, Hepato-Gastroenterology, Digestive Diseases

Journal of Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, Immunology,Trasplantation, International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology, Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology, Clinical Experimental Rheumathology, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology

European Journal of Respiratory  Diseases, EuropeeanRespiration Journal

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Trials Meta-analysis

American journal of Clinical Pathology, Journal of Clinical Pathology, Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Pathology, Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine

Archives of Virology, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysic.


Tra i volumi a stampa:

“Asma infettivo evolutivo” Ed. Denaro, Palermo,1966.

“Sideness in  the Neurovegetative Regulation of Cardiovascular System Ed. Pozzi,Roma 1981.

“Chronic Hepatitis”, Ed. Masson, Milano 1988

“Il Rene nell’Ipertensione Essenziale” Ed Pozzi, Roma 1990

“Manuale Illustrato di Fisiopatologia degli Ormoni Sodiomodulanti” Ed.Piccin, Roma 1991

“Lezioni di Clinica Medica I, II e III “ Ed. SEU, Roma

Aggiornamenti di Medicina Interna”,vol.I,II,III,IV, Ed SEU, Roma

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